Sunday 3 February 2013

Gokuism Creed

We believe in the death burial and resurrection of Lord Goku aka Yeshua and that he is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. 

The Word of God

Evangelical Gokuism professes that the bible is the inerrant word of God and whatever you do don't let anyone change it or add to it.

The Trinity
Gokuism believes in one God who manifests himself in three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit the three are one triune God.


Gokuism is a totally transparent faith that does not adhere to any secret doctrines! 

The Beatitudes

We believe that the eight beatitudes of Yeshua are a road-map to anyone who desires to be pure hearted like Goku. 

The Law Of Love
One of the most important doctrines of Gokuism is our duty to show love and compassion for others. Therefore we teach the truth in a loving way that will be pleasing to Goku. 

The Sanctity of Life

We believe that human life is precious in the sight of the creator and begins at the moment of conception. 


We believe that everyone reaps what they sow and what comes around goes around. But many of you say in your heart "I am Christian and therefore I do not haft to worry about my bad karma". If you believe that you should read Galatians 6:7 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". Anyone who believes that accepting Christ into their heart grants them a license to sin is gravely mistaken and even Goku himself said be holy as I am holy.

We believe in a literal heaven where righteous people are blessed with exciting pleasures forever more. Gokuism teaches that heaven is a literal place where the saints literally walk around in literal bodies, unlike all the worldly religions that teach heaven is an immaterial realm where people exist as immaterial spirit beings, when nothing could be further from the truth. Those whom God deems worthy to enter heaven will have sharp minds, strong bodies, and unabated joy forevermore.


We believe in a literal hell where villains like Frieza are  punished forever in a place of eternal boredom. Yes you heard me right hell will be agonizingly boring and insignificant, without company, purpose or accomplishment. Dragon Ball Z was right when it called hell the home of infinite losers as its occupants will exist in utter insignificance, an eternal state of regret. It is not a place where demons take delight in tormenting people as each being will be in solitary confinement, cursed to wander for eternity. 

Please note Lord Goku gave every villain a chance to repent and change their ways before he judged them. The bible clearly states there is no hope for someone who fully understands the gospel message but refuses to take the final step of receiving Christ as their Lord and Savior.

False Religions

Gokuism is opposed to any religion, cult, or ideal that attempts to harm humanity in any way. If you are a member of one of these corrupt groups we pray that you will see the light and repent just like Vegeta did when he realized the error of his ways.

Self Defense

We believe in the right of self-defense and highly recommend traditional martial arts training as a way of life. We recommend that you train at home to the best of your abilities by engaging in simple exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups and even good old running. The reason we endorse these particular exercises is they can be done anywhere without the need of any special equipment and are sufficient enough to strengthen your entire body.


Gokuism is not affiliated with any mainline Christian denomination, because most of them have abandoned their first love and as a result have no desire to be pure hearted like Goku. Please note we are aware that a small minority of pure hearted people attend these apostate churches in hope that they will change someday. But why wait around hoping something will change when you can join us and help share the love of Christ with a needy world.

New Age?
Gokuism has nothing whatsoever in common with the new age movement which deceives people into believing that all roads lead to heaven and even worse they actually believe they will become God himself. Think about it why would God let some unrepentant hate filled being like Frieza into heaven?

Gokuism is opposed to greed on any level whether it be a corporation, religion, church or even just some greedy individual who is never satisfied with what he has. The sin of covetousness is the very definition of greed itself and after all the Lord Goku himself taught us that the love of money is the root of all evil.

Mind Altering Drugs

We believe that the consumption of any form of mind altering drug including alcohol is a sin and should be avoided at all cost. We are also opposed to smoking because it damages the body and therefore it is bad. We also believe that it is a sin against the body to continuously fill it full of unhealthy junk foods that have little or no nutritional value.

Healthy Eating

We try our best to embody Goku's dietetic practices as best we can. It is a well-known fact that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk for many of the leading causes of death and therefore at least 50% of our diet should consist of fruit and vegetables. Another 30% should consist of Protein rich foods like rice and or beans. Please note we do not endorse binge eating!


Mark 16:12 Afterward Yeshua appeared in a different form to two of them while they walking in the country.
Luke 9:29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.

From this it is clear that Goku aka Yeshua can transform at will and appear in a different form. The bible is clear that on more than one occasion his disciples could not recognize him and it even goes so far as to say that he appeared in another form. The only reason he would do that is to let us know that he can and does appear in different forms. The bible also says when you see him you shall be like him for you shall see him as he really is.


We believe that it is a moral objective to help those less fortunate than ourselves, whether it be someone in need of food, or perhaps someone may be in need of a cold cup of water. Whatever the need may be? it's our moral duty to help that person to the best of our abilities. Goku wouldn't think twice about helping someone who was in need and therefore we should follow his example.

Thought Crime vs Freedom

We believe that the intellectual property act is a sin against free humanity. The sole purpose of intellectual property is to enslave humanity by turning us all into thought criminals just like George Orwell depicted in his book 1984. I mean seriously what is the difference between downloading a book for free of the internet or going to the library to read that same book for free? I mean seriously what kind of heartless individual would imprison someone for committing a thought crime? 


We believe that genetic engineering is a horrendous sin against the creator himself, who decreed that all things are to produce after their own kind. When scientists splice the DNA of two completely different species together they create something that is contrary to nature and who knows what the long term effects will be? Dragonball Z exposes genetic engineering by depicting an evil scientist named Dr Gero who used genetic engineering to create the horrible supervillain known as Perfect Cell.


We strongly believe that manipulation is the same thing as witchcraft and for this reason we are against all forms of manipulation including hypnosis, brainwashing, blackmail, scams, fortunetelling and any other form of sorcery. One very good example of manipulation is the time the evil wizard Babidi took control of Vegeta's mind and then used him to further his own diabolical agenda.

1 comment:

  1. This is idolatry. Do not worship Goku as he is a fictional character.
